Saen Options zeer tevreden over concept en uitvoering nieuwe website.
Reactie van de Directeur Saen Options:
"Ik wil je persoonlijk even bedanken voor de zeer mooie website. Het design, styling en presentatie zijn fantastisch! Well done! Op een mooie samenwerking!"
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Manager Saen Options:
"Sibren worked on our websites as well as some printed material. He was able to add new flavor to the brand. His work shows that Sibren was able to integrate the message that we wish to communicate in his designs. Sibren is a partner in the creative process and helps to turn ideas into practical designs. His personal and dedicated approach is highly appreciated." Top qualities: Good Value, High Integrity, Creative hired Sibren as a Graphic/Web Designer in 2005, and hired Sibren more than once.