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How to develop and sell a product in a #FlexibleSolid way

apr. 29 2012

In the concept of FlexibleSolid there is a contradiction. How can you be both Flexible ánd Solid? Here is a creator's view. It is important to be in converstation with your customers and provide good service and add value continiously. These customers will tell you how to bring the best value when you listen well! As a result you recieve wealth: financial wealth - which you need to invest in developing new products, paying salary, rent and so on.

The challenge
Investing in your company deliveres deferred wealth. Everybody knows it, invest in your companies future means fortune in the future and no cash today. And that is a challenge of today: because there is no guarentee that your time, effort and money will bring the succes you are hoping for. How to develop a new product in a FlexibleSolide way:
  • Start small
  • Prototype quickly
  • Involve trusted customers quickly for review
  • Ask key-persons in your network feedback for improving
  • Make sure these persons represent the target group of the new product
  • Involve the commercial director, CEO and/or sales department before launching the product
  • Make a action-plan from product-development until lead generation and getting the new deals
  • Make sure everybody knows what to do at which stage of the product cycle
In product development you can facilitate the process but not the outcome. When you see the development process as a part of the product cycle, it is logical to start promoting and generate leads a period before launching the product to the public domain.
The principle
With this example you see how it is possible to work both strategically (about the future) and dayly (connect with de customer). Off course there is a balance to find and hard decisions to maken. I mean real decisions. A clear vision helps to get the teams enthousiastic and to inspire members and clients to follow the path.   Sibren designs and develops is a quality design agency with a 100% digital team. 

Geschreven door: Admin


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