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Re: I am happy with myself. Here's why...

jan. 02 2010

This is a reaction on the blogposting by Marco van Velthuisen on Ecademy by Sibren vd Burgt on 2-Jan-10 9:18pm

Being happy with yourself and having a healthy self-image is the most powerfull tool to help others.

When I thought about this discovery I made an appointment with myself: Focus on things I get energy from (and earn money by it also). Creativity is a keyword for me.

During the journey I read the a dutch book of Marines Knoope, called "De creatiespiraal" and found the key of gaining spiritual energy. The spiral is based on several phases of creation. I discovered that the last part of the spiral was missing in my habits: receiving, appreciating, relaxing.

So I decided to learn to enjoy recieving compliments and doing things to get more compliments. And the funny thing is, it worked. I grew and grew and raised the impact of the effort at the start and realisation of creative proces.

And the most wonderfull thing is: I put all energy back to people in a later stage of starting-up and creating or supporting. This giving-getting system opened my eyes and gives me a "rich feeling" and maybe you can call it a form of happyness.

In this stage I explore even more "energyzing" fields in the direction of Flow. To me it contains many elements of the journey to higher energy and cross-thinking. All this started with learning to enjoy my own successes (small ánd big).

Today I made the first very, very small start with a new website containing this"flow-thing" and hope to evolve it with others by sharing, involving and inspiring... All good things do start with an idea

Groeten / Regards, Sibren


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