Vergroot je business in volume, markt en winst

met de Convincing Power Principes

jan. 03 2010

After my reaction on Marco's blog about "being happy with yourself" / having a healthy self-image I came up with an subject as a designer: Is my creative process in line with financial responsability? Five years ago I decided to start my own one-person-designcompany. Not for the money but to get… >> lees verder >>

jan. 02 2010

This is a reaction on the blogposting by Marco van Velthuisen on Ecademy by Sibren vd Burgt on 2-Jan-10 9:18pm Being happy with yourself and having a healthy self-image is the most powerfull tool to help others. When I thought about this discovery I made an appointment with myself: Focus on… >> lees verder >>

dec. 06 2009

by Sibren van der Burgt on 6-Dec-09 12:45pmReaction on my posting on Ecademy ___________________________________ Good Idea Marco. And Thomas got in already, hold on, here we go... We will be back! ___________________________________ >> lees verder >>

nov. 21 2009

Source: Business Advice from Thomas Power Herewith my answer to the nice question of Thomas Power on Ecademy. See the original posting on here. Thomas is the owner of Ecademy and an expert on social media. ___________________________________ The golden rule will stay permanent by… >> lees verder >>

nov. 08 2009

If you are building from your distinctive (core) values, you can be surprised to become an example for others. Today a person in my network asked what to do against a collegue-entrepreneur who has copied some text from her website. My answer: Enjoy your new role: this person made you an EXPERT. If… >> lees verder >>

Sibren Strategy & Design ondersteunt serie-ondernemers en directeuren bij het opbouwen en realiseren van hun business case. Daarbij maken we gebruik van de Convincing Power principes; overtuig en breid uit met marketing, branding & design voor Business to Business-bedrijven in Asset Management, technologie en de maakindustrie.

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