Vergroot je business in volume, markt en winst

met de Convincing Power Principes

aug. 30 2018

Klanten dwingen je om constant aan te passen, te verbeteren of nieuwe experimenten te ondernemen. Naast de bestaande moet je ook nieuwe diensten of producten bedenken, testen en vermarkten terwijl je gewoon de huidige diensten blijft leveren. Voor kleinere bedrijven is die extra capaciteit buiten… >> lees verder >>

jun. 10 2012

When launching a new design proposal to a client, I want it to be perfect. 100% hitting the nail and any isue regarding the solution is covered. So it takes some time and effort to reach that level. And even more time than I can afford, and more resources than planned, and...This is the typical… >> lees verder >>

mei 19 2012

During the online seminar/wokshop of Jim Collins - Great by Choice - he asked us to write down our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). In preparation of the seminar I did think about my goals again so there was nothing new, but still a dilemma: how to bring the BHAG closer to my earnings within the… During the online seminar/wokshop of Jim Collins - Great by Choice - he asked us to write down our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). In preparation of the seminar I did think about my goals again so there was nothing new, but still a dilemma: how to bring the BHAG closer to my earnings within the… >> lees verder >>

Sibren Strategy & Design ondersteunt serie-ondernemers en directeuren bij het opbouwen en realiseren van hun business case. Daarbij maken we gebruik van de Convincing Power principes; overtuig en breid uit met marketing, branding & design voor Business to Business-bedrijven in Asset Management, technologie en de maakindustrie.

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